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Why are LED Lights better than Normal Lights
Time:08 Jul 2022 16:48

LED lights outperform other forms of lighting in every area. They are more efficient in their use of electricity. They are cooler, don’t waste energy as heat, and therefore safer. Thirdly, they last far longer than the alternatives.

Do LEDs save energy?

The huge benefit LED lights have over previous light bulbs is their energy efficiency. Compared to incandescent bulbs, they are a massive 80% more efficient, and they turn 95% of their energy into light, whereas older lighting would produce a lot of heat.

This has two major effects. The first is that this noticeably reduces the user’s electricity bill. With that sort of energy efficiency, the amount you pay for lighting will drastically fall if you’ve been using old-fashioned filament bulbs.

The second effect is more important. In the 21st century, we have finally realized that the demand for energy used globally must decline. We need to reduce greenhouse gasses and move away from fossil fuel power sources, and LEDs reduce the demand for electricity, meaning we can more easily rely on alternative renewable energy sources.

Do LEDs cost more?

It is undeniable that the financial outlay to replace every bulb in your home with a new LED bulb is considerable. An LED light bulb costs something like 14 times as much as it does to purchase an incandescent light bulb, and nearly four times as much as a CFL.

However, many LEDs have an expected life of 50,000 hours. This is about 50 times longer than the life of an incandescent bulb and perhaps 10 times longer than a CFL. They are also considerably cheaper to run per hour because of their energy efficiency. So, although the initial cost is high, longevity and reduced running costs mean that LEDs are the more economical choice over time since you’re unlikely to have to replace it.


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