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Different Uses of a 20-Foot Container
Time:30 Jun 2023 17:17

The most common sizes for shipping containers are 10, 20, and 40 feet. Many companies enjoy working with 20-foot containers for refurbishing and creating distinct structures. There are many different uses for a 20-foot container, and ADTO Group is here to give you some fresh ideas.

Break Room/Waiting Area

Depending on where companies set up, they may not always have a designated break room. Instead, businesses use shipping containers to create small, comfortable rooms for employee breaks or for clients and customers to wait for appointments.

A 20-foot container is the perfect size to include basic comforts like a small table and chairs, a few couches, a television, and a small refrigerator. Because shipping characters transport easily, maintaining a comfortable space is straightforward.

Sleeping Quarters

Some jobs require temporary lodging in remote areas, for example, construction projects, movie filming, and remote research expeditions. When you need to spend an extended time period on the jobsite, it helps to have sleeping quarters for your cast and crew. One of the many different uses of a 20-foot container is that you can fit several bunkbeds and storage trunks to allow people to get a good night’s rest.

Training Simulators

Thanks to the versatility of shipping containers, many designers and manufacturers use them to create realistic environments that people can use for training opportunities. For example, firefighters regularly use realistic recreations of housing areas when running fire drills, and design companies can use them to test designs and layouts for potential workspaces. You can use a 20-foot container to create any form of simulated space or training environment for a wide range of purposes.


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