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Advantages and Disadvantages of OSB Board
Time:02 Dec 2022 15:32

OSB, oriented strand board, is a kind of chipboard made up of layers of chips of pressed wood, oriented in the same direction. Each layer follows, as in plywood boards, an orientation perpendicular to the previous layer, to achieve greater stability and resistance.

By its appearance, the OSB board is perfectly identifiable due to the size of the chips and their orientation on the board surface. However, this varies in color depending on the type of wood used in its manufacturing process, the gluing system used and the pressing conditions, from a straw color to a light brown.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of these boards lie in their mechanical properties, directly related to the geometry of the chips as well as their orientation on the board. But they are not the only advantages that these boards offer us compared to other alternatives.

1. comparatively lower price.

2. A large breaking strength and torsion.

3. They do not present knots, which facilitates machining and subsequent cuts.

4. Its manufacture has a lower environmental impact.  It is not necessary to use specific species to make OSB boards; fast-growing or even small trees can be used.

5. Its recycling is very simple.

6. Being a completely industrial alternative, there are no size limitations. Boards can be manufactured with dimensions greater than those that we can achieve with solid wood.

But all are advantages to us. OSB boards also have some drawbacks that should be known:

1. Faced with adverse humidity conditions and without the corresponding treatment, they deform to a greater extent than plywood.

2. It's something heavier and slightly less rigid. Although on the other hand the resistance is practically the same in all the points.


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